lesson 18 - one, two, many


󱤽 nanpanumber particleordinal number

󱤯 lupahole, pit, cave, doorway, window, portal

󱤩 linjalong and flexible thing; rope, yarn, hair, fur, line, strand

󱤁 akesireptile, amphibian, scaly creature, crawling creature


main counting system

toki pona has five words to describe amounts:

󱤂 ala   nothing
󱥳 wan   one
󱥮 tu   two
󱤼 mute   many
󱤄 ale   everything

other number systems exist, but this one will usually be all you need.

often specific numbers end up obscuring what a quantity really means, because large numbers are a lot harder to conceptualize than a description of what this quantity really means.

ona li jo e ilo tawa mute a

they have 28 cars!

for some reason we care about the number in english, but does it matter? the interesting bit is that this is a lot of cars!

ordinal numbers

you can use the particle 󱤽 nanpa before a number to express an ordinal number.

soweli nanpa tu

the second animal

a more advanced counting system

be aware that this counting system isn't intended to be used very much. in most cases, vague amounts will also get the message across.

this counting system uses 5 words:

󱥳 wan   one
󱥮 tu   two
󱤭 luka   five
󱤼 mute   twenty
󱤄 ale   one hundred

this system is additive, meaning you chain together the words to create bigger numbers

luka luka tu

five + five + two
= 12

ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale mute tu



translate from toki pona to english

sina wile tawa tomo telo la o tawa lupa nanpa tu

if you wanna go to the bathroom, go to the second door

waso tu li tawa tomo moku

two bats are going to a restaurant

mi kama sona e nimi mute pi toki pona

i'm learning a lot of toki pona words

mi pini e pali mi la mi ken musi

when i'm done with my work, i can have fun

translate from english to toki pona

snakes are cute!

akesi li suwi a

aw man, my calculator broke

ike a · ilo nanpa mi li pakala
a · ilo mi li pakala

there are two shady people by your home

jan ike tu li lon poka pi tomo sina

this is your first woof

ni li mu sina nanpa wan

read sitelen pona


mi wile e soweli tu
i want two ferrets


akesi li tawa lon linja · ona li wawa mute a
the crocodile is walking on a tightrope. it's really confident!


mi o pali e lupa mute tan jan ike
i have to dig a lot of holes because of an evil guy