mamaparent, ancestor; creator, originator; caretaker, sustainer, guardian
maearth, land, soil; country, territory, world; outdoors
nimiword, name
letecold, cool, frozen; freeze; uncooked, raw
selihot, warm; heat, fire, flame; burn
lencloth, fabric, textile; hidden, secret, covered, private
in toki pona, proper names are treated as modifiers, with a capitalized first letter. this means that you have to pick a word which describes what the thing is, and then modify that word with the tokiponized name.
jan Lisa
a jan named lisa
ma Mewika
a ma (country) named Mewika (the united states)
in sitelen pona, you write names by putting sitelen pona characters inside a cartouche, and read the name by the first sound of each word in the cartouche.
jan Lisa
the words in the cartouche are lete, ilo, seli, and ale, which spells Lisa.
some put special meaning in the words they choose to spell their names with, others choose the first ones that come to mind. either way is fine!
names in toki pona are "tokiponized," which means fitting the name into toki pona phonotactics. the general guidelines to tokiponization are the following:
headnouns are the word you put in front of the name, the thing the name is describing. when naming yourself in toki pona, you can pick anything as a headnoun for whatever reason you want! you can choose to describe yourself as a jan, ilo, pipi, or anything else! break loose and have fun with how you choose to express yourself! and importantly, respect how others choose to describe themselves!
tess (my name!)
soweli Tesa
technically, my name should be Te to preserve syllable count, but i wanted to preserve the s in my name, so i broke a rule and made it Tesa instead!
tiara (my cat!)
soweli Sijala
ti is an illegal syllable, so it turns into si, and the r becomes an l because i'm norwegian and tap my rs!
english, the language
toki Inli
here, the ng cluster is simplified to n, and the final sh was dropped to prioritize syllable count
toki Sensa
derived from swedish svenska, the sv cluster is simplified to just s, and the sk cluster gets simplified to s!
remember that there's not ever just one correct tokiponization, for example, swedish could be toki Wensa instead!
mi sona toki Nosiki
i know how to speak a language called Nosiki (norwegian)
mi wile tawa ma sina
i wanna go to your country
mi wile e len mute tan ni · ma Kanata li lete mute
i need a lot of clothes because the country called Kanata (canada) is really cold!
sona mi pi nimi sina li kama weka lon tenpo poka
i forgot your name recently
waso Lisa li wile pini e pali ona
(a flying animal named) lisa wants to finish working
tess is teaching faer girlfriend toki pona
soweli Tesa li pana e sona pi toki pona tawa waso olin ona
this bug flew here from norway
pipi ni li tawa ni tan ma Nosiki
my dad is stronger than your dad
mama mi li wawa mute · mama sina li wawa lili
your name is cool
nimi sina li pona
waso Ipa li wile pana e sina tawa telo
a bird named Ipa wants to throw you in the ocean
ijo lili ale li ken wawa
all small things can be strong
mama Lepa li wile e len seli tan tawa pi tenpo kama
the parent named Lepa wants warm clothes for a future walk
mi wile sona e nimi pona ale
i want to know every good word